

GuardianSSI Observes National Campus Fire Safety Month

The University of Kentucky #FireMarshal‘s Office kicks off September’s Campus Safety Month with a dramatic demonstration of how quickly a fire can start in a college dorm room. https://uknow.uky.edu/uk-happenings/uk-celebrates-national-campus-fire-safety-month-blazing-demonstration.

We are observing this important month as well. Read more.

Dallas – September 1, 2017 – Guardian Safety Solutions International, Inc. (GSSI), the nation’s largest provider of range top fire suppression systems, will observe national Campus Fire Safety Month throughout September. The observance was launched in 2005 by the Center for Campus Fire Safety to unite nationwide fire and university officials to improve fire and life safety on campus. In addition to loss of life and injuries from cooking fires, campus cooking fires cause more than $9.4 million in damages each year.

“Most of the parental fears when sending kids off to college concern safety. But, I suspect that many parents rank fear of kitchen fires well below those of drugs, alcohol, crime and other campus issues,” said Paul Rouse, GSSI’s administrative officer. “They shouldn’t. In fact, dear parents, college fires should move up to the top of your list of concerns since 83 percent of college campus fires are cooking related.”

Besides rigorous college courses, there are many demands on young adults’ attention in today’s busy world – texting, emails, friends visiting, the hectic start of college life and possibly alcohol and drug consumption. It’s pretty easy for college kids to start to cook a meal and forget about it. Next thing you know, a fire spreads from a stove or hot plate to curtains and other highly-flammable material in a dorm room or apartment. Putting the fire out quickly is imperative to minimize injury to students and damage to the building and belongings.

Ranges or cooktops accounted for the majority cooking fire incidents. “Prevention is the core of our ‘Guardian Solution’ range top suppression system. That’s why we observe fire prevention all year, not just this month,” said Rouse. “The time to protect college students against a range top fires is before they strike. Once campuses install the Guardian, parents can rest at ease.” He added that off-campus apartment s and student housing kitchens can be retrofitted as well. With the system, a fire can be extinguished in as little as seven seconds (video).

Most college fires are due to lack of knowledge about fire safety and prevention. So what can parents do to help minimize risks? Here’s some basic advice to discuss with college students and the college administration.

  1. Make sure there are smoke detectors installed and that the batteries are fresh.
  2. Teach your kid how to use a fire extinguisher. Before they leave for school, practice using one with your child and make sure there is at least one available in the cooking area at the dorm.
  3. Discuss escape routes when you deliver your college student to the dorm.
  4. Emphasize that leaving a building when a fire alarm goes off is imperative. It could save your child’s life. Emphasize that no property or memento is worth dying for.
  5. Learn to properly use and maintain stoves and cooking appliances.

It’s also a good idea to talk to the head of the cafeteria on campus and dorm manager about fire safety. Make sure that they:

  • Install smoke alarms in every room and test weekly.
  • Inspect rooms and buildings for fire hazards regularly.
  • Make sure exit doors and windows are working properly.
  • Conduct fire drills and practice escape routes.
  • Get to know on-campus public safety personnel

An inexpensive way to prevent tragedies from cooking is to have the college install an automatic range top suppression system over each stove in dorm room cooking areas. They are designed to detect and extinguish cooking fires and at the same time prevent re-ignition. Installed sprinkler systems can also prevent deaths and injuries, as well as reduce millions of dollars in property damage. College life is meant to be a wonderful beginning not a tragic end. Take these steps to protect precious children to ensure a safe and fun college experience.

For more information, visit www.guardianssi.com. Like on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GuardianSSI and on Twitter @GuardianSSI.

About GSSI

Protecting families worldwide since 1985, Guardian Safety Solutions International Inc. is the recognized leader in the development and manufacturing of residential range top fire protection systems. GSSI’s mission is to develop and distribute quality safety products that provide customers with peace of mind, while protecting lives and property.

Press contact only:

Susan M. Tellem, APR, RN, BSN, Tellem Grody PR, Inc. 310-313-3444 x1; susan@tellemgrodypr.com

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Building Safety Month Brings Awareness to Code Enforcement and Safety


Building Safety Month Brings Awareness to Code Enforcement and Safety

GuardianSSI Asks Code Officials to Increase Fire Prevention in Commercial Occupancies

Dallas – In the midst of Building Safety Month, launched by the International Code Council (ICC) and its 57,000 members worldwide, Guardian Safety Solutions International, Inc. (GSSI) is raising awareness in the industry by observing the mission of ICC’s public awareness campaign. GSSI is the leader in the development and manufacturing of superior fire suppression equipment for commercial occupancies where residential appliances are in use. The ICC, along with a diverse partnership of professionals from the building construction, design and safety community launched Building Safety Month 35 years ago.

“Cooking fires are the number one cause of injury and death associated with fires,” said Paul Rouse, GSSI’s administrative officer. He added, “GuardianSSI champions the adoption of modern building codes, implementing a strong and efficient system of code enforcement and a professional workforce that works with code officials to increase fire prevention and safety.” Guardian products are designed to detect and extinguish fires and prevent re-ignition in senior housing facilities, college campuses, churches, fire stations, hospitals and other commercial occupancies. “The Guardian fire suppression systems are increasingly accepted nationwide as code officials are educated to the hazard protection advantages the GSSI systems provide,” Rouse said. “We offer ongoing training to code officials when they sign up on our website,” Rouse added.

GuardianSSI recently launched the Guardian Model G600B to include electronic operation with electric and gas ranges (watch the video demo). It works with any standard over-the-stove microwave/range hood. Each system is UL/ULC listed with a gas or electric fuel shutoff. The G600B has an updated, integrated self-diagnostic CPU board with a monitored pressure gauge. It features a pull-pin holder for arming the system, an alarm connection for a trouble and activation signal, quick and easy plug connectors and an RF transmitter and receiver for wireless shutoff connections. Benefits of Guardian systems include automatic operation, continuous 24-hour protection, concealed installation, easy clean-up and proven reliability. For end users, Guardian Fire Suppression Systems offer substantial savings over a traditional commercial system.

Guardian Fire Suppression Systems have been used and supported in more than 400,000 installations worldwide and have been UL listed since 1985.  For more information, contact GSSI at 800-786-2178 or visit www.guardianssi.com. “Like” Guardian on Facebook at GuardianSSI and follow on Twitter @GuardianSSI.

Media Contact:

Susan Tellem, Tellem Grody PR, 310.313.3444 x1, Susan@tellemgrodypr.com

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GuardianSSI Launches New Guardian G600B System

GuardianSSI Launches New Guardian G600B System
Only Listed Fire Suppression System That Works With Over the Stove Microwaves

Dallas – March 9, 2016 – Guardian Safety Solutions International, Inc. (GSSI) launched its new Guardian G600B fire suppression system, the only UL/ULC listed system that works with over the stove microwaves. GuardianSSI, the leader in the development and manufacturing of superior fire suppression equipment for commercial occuG600B_ProductPage_Webpancies where residential appliances are in use, showcased the new product at the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors last week in Las Vegas.

“When a fire occurs, the G600B sensors will activate at a preset temperature sending a signal to the CPU board which releases the valve assembly discharging the system,” said Paul Rouse, GSSI’s administrative officer. “Our Guardian products are designed to detect and extinguish fires and prevent re-ignition in senior housing facilities, college campuses, churches, fire stations, hospitals and other commercial occupancies.”

The specifications for the Model G600B include electronic operation with electric and gas ranges. It works with any standard over the stove microwave/range hood. Each system is UL/ULC listed with a gas or electric fuel shutoff. The G600B has anG600B photo updated, integrated self-diagnostic CPU board with a monitored pressure gauge. It features a pull-pin holder for arming the system, an alarm connection for a trouble and activation signal, quick and easy plug connectors and an RF transmitter and receiver for wireless shutoff connections. Benefits of Guardian systems include automatic operation, continuous 24-hour protection, concealed installation, easy clean-up and proven reliability. For end users, Guardian Fire Suppression Systems offer substantial savings over a traditional commercial system.

“The Guardian fire suppression systems are increasingly accepted nationwide as code officials are educated to the hazard protection advantages the GSSI systems provide,” Rouse added. He added that the new 600BC is the only system for mobile applications like RVs and boats.

Guardian Fire Suppression Systems have been used and supported in more than 400,000 installations worldwide and have been UL listed since 1985. For more information, contact GSSI at 800-786-2178 or visit www.guardianssi.com. “Like” Guardian on Facebook at GuardianSSI and follow on Twitter @GuardianSSI.

Media Contact:
Susan Tellem
Tellem Grody PR
310.313.3444 x1

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GuardianSSI Exhibiting at NAFED Conference & Expo March 3 – 4 in Las Vegas

Guardian Safety Solutions International, Inc. (GSSI), the leader in the development and manufacturing of superior fire suppression equipment for commercial occupancies where residential appliances are in use, is exhibiting at the National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED). The Sectional Conference & Expo, is March 3 – 4, at the Monte Carlo Casino & Resort, Las Vegas. NAFED’s guiding mission is gathering and disseminating information and ideas that will improve the world’s fire protection and increase the fire protection industry’s competence.

“NAFED is a key player in the fire protection industry showcasing the latest technological advances. That’s why we are launching our new Guardian G600B, the only current listed system designed toG600B photo work with an over the stove microwave,” said Paul Rouse, GSSI’s administrative officer. “Our Guardian products are designed to detect and extinguish fires and prevent re-ignition in senior housing facilities, college campuses, churches, fire stations, hospitals and other commercial occupancies,” Rouse said.

“The Guardian fire suppression systems are increasingly accepted nationwide as authorities are educated to the hazard protection advantages the GSSI systems provide,” Rouse added. “The support we give our distributors is unrivaled from excellent tech support, a website with online training and the addition of new innovative products.”

Benefits of Guardian systems include automatic operation, continuous 24-hour protection, concealed installation, easy clean-up and proven reliability. For end users, Guardian Fire Suppression Systems offer substantial savings over a traditional commercial system.

Guardian Fire Suppression Systems have been used and supported in more than 400,000 installations worldwide and have been UL listed since 1985. For more information, contact GSSI at 800-786-2178 or visit www.guardianssi.com. “Like” Guardian on Facebook at GuardianSSI and follow on Twitter @GuardianSSI.

# # #
Media Contact:
Susan Tellem
Tellem Grody PR
310.313.3444 x1

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Kids in the Kitchen: Teaching Fire Safety

Kids Kitchen SafetyTeaching kids how to cook can be much more than just a fun activity they’ll enjoy eating afterwards; it’s also proven to be tremendously helpful for other aspects of their learning skills. Many schools are incorporating cooking into their curriculum, since they find it’s a great way to keep kids’ attention.

These are some of the skills a child can fine-tune, simply by following a basic recipe:
• Math- measuring, weighing, counting, shapes and fractions.
• Reading- vocabulary and reading skills.
• Nutrition- where food comes from, how it’s grown, how food changes through the cooking process, sensory exploration.
• Motor skills- chopping, whisking, kneading, pouring.

However, one of the most important things that cooking can teach children is the importance of safety and responsibility in the kitchen. In 2012 alone, approximately 360,000 children nationwide were injured from burns or scalds, and with shows like Junior Iron Chef that make cooking something exciting and competitive for children to watch and emulate, ensuring kitchen safety is more important than ever.

Here are some tips to keep your junior chef injury-free:
• Turn off all appliances before leaving the kitchen.
• Keep appliances away from water.
• Do not pour water onto a pan with hot oil; the oil can sputter and cause burns.
• Hold burns under cold water immediately to reduce severity.
• Do not pour water onto a cooking fire, since it can make it bigger. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and call 911 if flames start to leap.
• Turn pot handles to the back of the range top, and keep all towels and materials away from the stove burners.

For more information on how to keep your family safe while cooking, and your home fire-free, check out our website at: https://guardianssistg.wpengine.com/

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Guardian SSI Details Student Cooking Safety Information at Campus Fire Forum 2014

FIre raging in kitchenDallas – November 5, 2014 – Guardian Safety Solutions International, Inc. (GSSI), the leader in the development and manufacturing of residential range top fire protection systems, will exhibit at the Campus Fire Forum 2014, November 10 – 13, at the Wyndham Hotel, Orlando. Representing more than 4,000 campuses, the Center for Campus Fire Safety is a nonprofit organization devoted to reducing the loss of life from fire at our nation’s campuses.

“Cooking fires cause more than $25 million in damages to college campuses each year. Campus fire safety is one of our top priorities, so we are delighted to demonstrate our ‘Guardian Solution’ range top suppression system that protects against a range top fire before it causes property damage or injuries to employees and students,” said Paul Rouse, Guardian SSI’s administrative officer. “While parents send their kids off to college with safety as a top priority, fear of kitchen fires ranks well below safety concerns about drugs, alcohol, crime and other campus issues.” According to Rouse, college fires should move up to the top of parents’ and university housing concerns since 72 percent of college campus fires are cooking related.

“With many students living in off campus apartments, parents and university officials should know that 60 percent of apartment fires are started by cooking equipment,” said Rouse. “There are so many distractions for young adults in today’s busy world – texting, answering an email, friends come to visit – they begin to cook a meal and easily forget about it. Next thing you know, whoosh, a fire starts consuming the stove, curtains and other flammable material in the kitchen,” he said. The National Fire Protection Association says that cooking causes almost half of all fire fatalities each year, and 20 percent of fire deaths are drug or alcohol related.

“These statistics are the core of our “Guardian Solution,’ or range top suppression system which can be easily installed or retrofitted into new or older student housing,” said Rouse. “The time to protect college students against a range top fire is before it strikes. By simply installing the Guardian, colleges and universities, as well as apartment owners who cater to college kids, can rest at ease knowing that potential cooking fires stand no chance in a Guardian protected kitchen.” See how the Guardian works here.

The Guardian is designed to detect and extinguish cooking fires and at the same time prevents re-ignition. Once it detects heat at a pre-determined temperature, a signal is sent to release the extinguishing agent to suppress the fire and to shut off the gas or electric supply to the stove in order to prevent reigniting.

“Putting the fire out quickly is imperative to minimize damage and injury to students,” Rouse said. “The Guardian system provides that speed and protection.” For more information, contact GSSI at 800-786-2178 or visit www.guardianssi.com. Visit on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GuardianSSI and on Twitter @GuardianSSI.

About GSSI
Protecting families worldwide since 1985, GSSI is the recognized leader in the development and manufacturing of residential range top fire protection systems. GSSI’s mission is to develop and distribute quality safety products that provide customers with peace of mind, while protecting lives and property. See ICC-ES Listing No PMG-1166 at www.icc-es.org\pmg.

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Media Contact:
Susan Tellem, APR, RN, BSN
Tellem Grody PR, Inc.
310.313.3444 x1

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Cooking Can Be Hazardous to College Life

According to “I’ll Miss You Too: An Off-to-College Guide for Parents and Students,” some of the biggest parental fears surrounding sending kids off to college focus on safety issues. While safety is a top priority, fear of kitchen fires probably ranks well below safety concerns about drugs, alcohol, crime and other campus issues.  According to Guardian Safety Solutions International (www.guardianssi.com), college fires should move up to the top of parents and university housing concerns since 72 percent of college campus fires are cooking related. Cooking fires also cause more than $25 million in damages to college campuses each year.   Read more at HealthNewsDigest http://www.healthnewsdigest.com/news/Safety_310/Cooking-Can-Be-Hazardous-to-College-Life.shtml.


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Guardian Safety Solutions Warns Workplace Cafeterias Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Guardian Safety Solutions International experts estimate that more than 12 million unintentional cooking fires go unreported causing 640,000 injuries annually. When a cooking fire starts in a workplace cafeteria, be it a college, business or a police station, putting the fire out quickly is imperative.
“Probably everyone knows someone who had a fire while cooking because these are mostly caused by inattentiveness or carelessness,” said Paul Rouse, GSSI administrative officer. “It could be cardboard from pizzas too close to the stove or a grease fire. Next thing you know, it consumes the stove and other flammable material in the kitchen,” he adds.

In addition to the destruction of property estimated at $7 billion per year in the U.S. alone, the National Fire Protection Association reports that cooking causes almost half of fire fatalities each year. 
“These statistics are the core of our “Guardian Solution,’ or range top suppression system,” said Rouse “The time to protect yourself against a range top fire is before it strikes.  By simply installing the Guardian, those in charge of workplace cafeterias can rest at ease knowing that potential cooking fires stand no chance in a Guardian protected kitchen.” He added that kitchens can be retrofitted as well.
The Guardian is designed to detect and extinguish cooking fires and at the same time prevents re-ignition. Once it detects heat at a pre-determined temperature, a signal is sent to release the extinguishing agent to suppress the fire and to shut off the gas or electric supply to the stove in order to prevent reigniting.  The design of the system offers:

  • automatic operation
  • continuous 24-hour protection
  • concealed installation
  • easy clean-up
  • proven reliability

“It is imperative to minimize damage and injury to employees,” Rouse said. “The Guardian system provides that speed and protection.”

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Cooking Can Be Hazardous to College Life: 72 Percent of Campus Fires Are Cooking Related

Some of the biggest parental fears sending kids off to college concern safety. While safety is a top priority, I suspect that many parents rank fear of kitchen fires well below safety concerns about drugs, alcohol, crime and other campus issues.  They shouldn’t.  In fact, dear parents, college fires should move up to the top of your list of concerns since 72 percent of college campus fires are cooking-related. Campus cooking fires cause more than $25 million in damages each year.

Besides rigorous college courses, there are so many demands on young adults’ attention in today’s busy world – texting, emails, friends visiting, the hectic start of college life and possibly alcohol consumption. It’s pretty easy for college kids to start to cook a meal and forget about it.  I’ve done it myself.  Next thing you know, a fire spreads from a stove or hot plate to curtains and other highly-flammable material in a dorm room.  Putting the fire out quickly is imperative to minimize injury to students and damage to the building and belongings.

Most college fires are due to lack of knowledge about fire safety and prevention.  So what can parents do to help minimize risks?  We work with state fire marshals and fire inspectors and others who spend years helping to educate others about the risks of cooking fires. Here’s some basic advice to discuss with your college students and the college administration.

  1. Make sure there are smoke detectors installed and that the batteries are fresh.
  2. Teach your kid how to use a fire extinguisher.  Before they leave for school, practice using one with your child and make sure there is at least one available in the cooking area at the dorm.
  3. Discuss escape routes when you deliver your college student to the dorm.
  4. Emphasize that leaving a building when a fire alarm goes off is imperative.  It could save your child’s life.  Emphasize that no property or memento is worth dying for.
  5. Learn to properly use and maintain stoves and cooking appliances.

It’s also a good idea to talk to the head of the cafeteria on campus and dorm manager about fire safety.  Make sure that they:

  • Install smoke alarms in every room and test weekly.
  • Inspect rooms and buildings for fire hazards regularly.
  • Make sure exit doors and windows are working properly.
  • Conduct fire drills and practice escape routes.
  • Get to know on-campus public safety personnel

An inexpensive way to prevent tragedies from cooking is to have the college install an automatic range top suppression system over each stove in dorm room cooking areas. They are designed to detect and extinguish cooking fires and at the same time prevent re-ignition. Installed sprinkler systems can also prevent deaths and injuries, as well as reduce millions of dollars in property damage.

College life is meant to be a wonderful beginning not a tragic end.  Take these steps to protect your precious children.  A few minutes of your time and attention will ensure a safe and fun college experience.

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