Senior Housing and Senior Centers Need the Guardian Solution

Senior Housing and Senior Centers Need the Guardian Solution

According to the Lohud Journal News, “More than 30 Carmel residents can’t return to their homes after a fire ripped through a senior citizen housing complex early Tuesday morning. No residents were injured in the fire at Hughson Commons on Gables Way, but...
All Senior Housing Needs Guardian Protection

All Senior Housing Needs Guardian Protection

By Alex Napoliello | NJ Advance Media for A fire at a sprawling senior assisted living facility led officials to evacuate nearly 60 residents on Sunday morning, police said. Jackson police Capt. Steven Laskiewicz said no one was injured in the blaze, which...

Building Safety Month Brings Awareness to Code Enforcement and Safety

Building Safety Month Brings Awareness to Code Enforcement and Safety GuardianSSI Asks Code Officials to Increase Fire Prevention in Commercial Occupancies Dallas – In the midst of Building Safety Month, launched by the International Code Council (ICC) and its 57,000...