Fire Safety for the Holidays

TV station WAFF 48 in Alabama reports on how the holidays are one of the most dangerous times of year for household fires.

home-stovefireAccording to the report, “Cooking fires lead to more destruction than any other fires that we deal with,” said Fire Prevention Officer Dan Wilkerson. “One of the main reasons is because it’s the most common way that a fire could start in your home. Cooking fires are our number one cause of fires in the nation. Not only in Huntsville, across the nation.”

The U.S. Fire Administration statistics point to an estimated 1,900 residential building fires reported to fire departments on Thanksgiving Day, causing an estimated five deaths, 25 injuries and $28 million in property loss.

Wilkerson said that when cooking make sure you have a timer on to remind you of your meal and keep the handles of your pots and pans out of the reach of children. He also keep a fire extinguisher handy just in case.